Digital topographic mapping at 1: 1000 scale and profiling and cross sections along Nalaikh-Choir-Zamiin uud, Darkhan-Erdenet, Erdene-Undurkhaan,Ulaanbaatar- Altanbulag, Tsetserleg-Tosontsengel road, Tavan Tolgoi-Oyu Tolgoi road (funded by ADB, World bank, Jica, Kuweit fund)

“Second check of Mongolian-Chinese International boundary by both side together Along the Mongolian-Chinese International boundary, covered on 46 800 including aerial photography, GPS network establishment, observation and post processing along the boundary, digital topographic mapping with 1: 10000 and 1:50
000, DEM, preparation for press printing.

Settlement measurement of Shangri-La complex in Ulaanbaatar